Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Chubby Baby

Steve took these pictures of the baby tonight....they made me smile!! See them and enjoy!


Elena said...

My goodness he's growing up!!! So cute.

CareBearMommy said...

Well, he is just so darn chubby and cute! I can't believe how big he is already... he's what, 5 months? Is he always so happy (well ya know, except for when he's tired, poopy, hungry, etc...)

Anonymous said...

I want to KISS those cheeks!

Mattsmom said...

LOVE IT! What a cutie. He is growing WAY too fast (but then you knew that). Pics are so fun!

Gina said...

He is such a handsomely darling kiddo! Love the chubs at that age. They are just so snuggly!

Unknown said...

LOVE THE CHUBS! see my other comment on the CODY...Em

Anne/kq said...

Oh, my goodness! I have a chubster too, they are so cute with all those cheeks and chins!