Thursday, February 08, 2007


It's my blogoversary, but I don't quite know what to do about it...should I repost my first entry? Should I review what's happened to me over the past year? I guess all I'm going to do is just mention it. I just reviewed the year, and anyone can access my first post in my sidebar. I will give you some stats about me though:

  • In 365 days I've posted on my blog 288 times. (This is the 288th!)
  • I hit one hundred posts on June 14th. (That was just 126 days after starting blogging!)
  • The most posts I've had in one day was on February 28th. I had just learned how to post I posted FIVE times!
  • The most comments I've had on any post is 14. (Yes, very small compared with others, but HUGE for me!)
  • My favorite format for posting is centered and in Trebuchet font. Yes, I have to change it every time I post, but I just love the way it looks.
  • I've changed the template for my blog only twice. But I'm contemplating a new look soon!
  • The topic I wrote about the most this past year was my babysitting drama. Thankfully it's over, but for a whole 8 months it was my life.
  • The second most common topic for me was anything Cameron. Yes, I am his mama, but gosh...he's ALL I talk about!
There's a look at what I've done to you over the past year. It's been fun, and my family has gotten sick of hearing CONSTANTLY about my blog...but I've enjoyed the friends I've found, and I'm grateful for the therapy I've found putting my thoughts into words.


Melzie said...

Happy blog-o-versary! :) I missed mine, wahhaha! But I love how you celebrated yours!! :)

nikko said...

Happy Blog-o-versary to you,
Happy Blog-o-versary to you,
Happy Blog-o-versary to Dawnyel,
Happy Blog-o-versary to you!

Mel said...

You have a great track record for posts!

I've enjoyed reading them. Keep on!

Anonymous said...

Nice...I missed mine, but I have contemplated doing an unblogiversary post for y'all! Maybe in 5 months at my one and a halfversary! I am grateful that I introduced you to this world! It is fun to read your thoughts and feel as though we are all caught on eachothers lives aftrer such a long time of not communicating much! YAY for blogging!

Suzanne said...

Happy Blogoversary!!! I love coming here to read your posts! :D