Saturday, November 08, 2008

Four Little Teeth

I took these pictures last night, before his fourth tooth popped out. Today it BARELY poked it's way out. I think he's still a cutie! Five months old, and FOUR teeth! *sigh*


Deanna said...

Taylor still has: NONE! :) He sure is a cutie!

Mattsmom said...

WOW. If that kid isn't related to your side of the family I don't know who is? He is SERIOUSLY growing up TOO FAST! I love the cute smiling pics! THANKS!

Anonymous said...

dang the earliest any of mine got teeth was 7 months!!

Anne/kq said...

Awww, baby teeth are cute.

Maggie's had her two in for about a month now-- but is taking her time on the others. Both my other two had 4 or 6 teeth by 6 months so she's growing them slower than her sisters did, I guess!