Monday, February 05, 2007

My Life Monday: Pet Peeves

BLOGGER: I've had such issues with Blogger today...I'm just gonna curse for a minute...bear with me.....(#*%*#&% BLOGGER!!)
I have many pet peeves, but when I can't make the Internet work, UGH! Pet peeve!
EARS: Another thing that just gets my panties in a bunch (to use a favorite saying...) is when anyone...Steve INCLUDED....touches my ears. My ears are OFF limits. I don't know what it is about my ears, but I just cannot stand to have anyone else touch them. I can touch them, heck, I clean them daily! But to get anyone or anything else near them without my expressed permission?? NO WAY!
OCD BEHAVIORS: Not making my tacos in order is another thing that bothers me. YES, I know...I'm in serious need of some therapy....
Tacos must be put together in THIS order:
Refried beans,
Taco Meat, (juiceless is preferable)
Shredded cheese,
then olives and/or sour cream.
I cannot put my tacos together in ANY other order!! Like I said, I know it's weird, but if someone hands me an ingredient OUT of order, I can't do just bugs me!
CARDS: When I'm playing cards I must have them stacked in a straight pile. No cards upside-down, angled or off the pile. When we play M'ou...I get in SO much trouble over that rule!! SO MUCH! My brothers love to mess with me ON PURPOSE when it comes to this obsession I have.
MY NAME: When someone says my name wrong, after being corrected, I have issue with this. Now I understand that "Dawnyel" is not your run of the mill, average name. I GET IT!! But once I correct you, please say it friend's dad, who's known me for 23 years, STILL says it wrong! UGH!! The worst though, is my mother-in-law. Yes, I love her, but she refuses...absolutely, flat-out, REFUSES to call me "Dawnyel," she calls me "Dawn." No matter HOW many times we tell her, "Dawnyel," she still calls me "Dawn!"
NOT ACCEPTING COMPLIMENTS: When you give someone a compliment, and they don't accept it...that's just wrong! I realize that you may NOT feel the way I just mentioned, but geez, take the compliment...say, "Thank you," and be done with it. No need to elaborate, or belittle yourself. BE GRATEFUL!
Okay, there you have it, things that just bother me! If you read
Rachelle's list, you will find that I completely agree with there's some MORE! I try not to get easily annoyed, but there are JUST somethings....


Suzanne said...

I totally agree with the name thing. I've been called Susan so often over the years that I despise the name now. My 6th grade teacher called me Susan all year long and never got it right. Hmph!

I also totally agree with the not accepting compliments thing. I wonder if people think they're being prideful for just saying "thank you" or maybe they feel like they deserve the praise. It also bugs me when people won't accept help and I know they need it. Fun list!

BTW, I would not be able to make a taco correctly at your house because my tomatoes are on top of the lettuce! ;)

Rachelle said...

I am the same way with cards! I am a compulsive card straightener in any card type game.

CareBearMommy said...

I agree with those things you said, Donell.... especially about the name thing since it's MY dad who can't seem to pronounce your name! Heck, it bugs ME when he misprounounces it, and it's not even my name! I've told him, time and time again.... it's pronounced "Dawn" and "YELL", not "ELL." But he just doesn't get it. But try not to take it personally... he couldn't prounce Josh's name either... he'd always say "YOSS."


Mall Worker said...

I'm the same way about putting together my taco. It just has to be done the right way!

Anonymous said...

Darnell, Where does the salsa/hot sauce go??? A taco without hot sauce just isn't a taco in my book!
I appreciated your list...but I am sure that on an emotional day like today is turning out to list would be about a hundred times longer! So I won't bog you down with my pet peeves! ...okay...maybe just one... I HATE it when people don't put the toilet paper on the dispenser so that it unrolls in a downward direction! BUGS ME TO BITS! Now ya know!
And by the way...thanks for the compliment!