Saturday, December 02, 2006

Busy Times and Christmas Game

So much going on! Thursday was Cam's parent/teacher conference. UGH! He's doing okay, but he needs mucho help! So his teacher sent him home with a fun set of video tapes to help him out!
Friday we spent going to the dentist, Temple, and to a nativity display! It was busy, but fun! The whole nativity thing was awesome! In this church they had over 700 nativities set up! It was SO COOL! Then when we were done wandering around we stopped in the chapel where there was a group of kids playing Christmas songs on violins! Needless to say the whole day was emotional and I ended it bawling my eyes out! (Happy tears though!)
Today was my lazy day! I tried to get some of my favorite Christmas music on CDs for listening in the car, but ended up listening to the Forgotten Carols over and over and over...Bawling the whole time, of course! It brought back memories of the first time I saw the performance...when I was IN the production! Michael McLean told the choir (ME!) that this performance was for us, not the people watching it, but for US! I loved every minute, and even caused a stir when I laughed REALLY hard at his Aladdin part! The first time I performed in it, my Grandma H was really sick with cancer, and she and my grandpa were about to be sealed in the Temple. At the end of the show, Michael sang "Hold On" and I knew everything would work out for the best, no matter WHAT the outcome!
Then tonight we crashed my parent's ward Christmas party. It was so much fun! And thanks to the people on their activity committee, I've got a game I want to play until Christmas.
The rules are, I'll put up the mixed up name of a Christmas carol and we'll see who can guess it first! Ready?
Here's the first song:
The apartment of 2 psychiatrists
Hmmm...I'm being mean, this was the HARDEST song on the list, but it was number one, so it goes first! Good luck!


Anonymous said...

Oh, that is hard. I could cheat but I won't. I'm only good at the old time carols, and possibly one Weird Al one!

Suzanne said...

Isn't it fun how songs can brings back floods of memories in just a second?

That clue is hard! I want to say it's "The House of 3 Wise Men" but I've never heard of that carol before! Don't keep us waiting too long! :)