Saturday, October 14, 2006


Things are going better now. We chose solution number 2/3! We're going to graduate from the program (although cutting back on babysitting was highly tempting...) take some of the money and put it into savings (most likely in a bank we don't frequent so the money STAYS put!) and then use some of the money to pay off bills and get repairs that we have been putting off. It's not the ideal situation, but we feel it's what's best for our situation right now.
And we're now fighting the decision the school district came up with for Cameron's "new" development. I didn't go into too much detail over the whole thing, so let me explain what's been happening to our family.
Cameron was psychologically tested and the results from the test showed that Cameron is "mentally retarded" or as they started to put it in the meetings I've been to "cognitively impaired." According to the scores on the test, he scored very 55. Average mental capacity is between 85 and 115. At first I was a bit disturbed by the whole thing, but came to accept it as the truth I was unwilling to see.
At his IEP meeting options were discussed, and the principal decided that it would be in his best interests to maybe go into the developmental kindergarten. I was highly upset by this comment, and tried to ignore it. After school that day Cameron's teacher confided in me that she thinks those test results are wrong. I asked her why and she told me that she's had students in her class who have scored 65 on that same test who were FAR below Cameron's development and ability in her class. She told me NOT to worry about DACC, because he was succeeding where he is! In fact he's in the middle of the class when it comes to his learning abilities. She said, "He fits in perfectly with this class!" I told her that I think he may have been tired and uncooperative the day they tested him, and maybe I'd think about getting him retested.
The next time I saw the school psychologist I asked him if it was possible to retest Cameron, because I wanted piece of mind. I told him that I think Cameron may not have been in the best frame of mind, and just to satisfy me, would he mind retesting him on a day where he was more like himself. He told me that he wasn't sure he could do it, but he'd look into it.
I let things go at that for a while, complaining to people who know my situation with Cameron and asking what they'd do in my situation. I had even talked with his service coordinator who suggested that even if they couldn't get to retesting him THIS year, make them do it next year.
Then I went to help in Cam's class on Monday. His in-school occupational therapist pulled me out of the class to chat. She told me of how deeply disturbed she was over the whole situation and wanted to know what I thought. I told her what the teacher had said and she agreed with that assessment whole-heartedly. She told me that the results were NOT right, and we should fight them as much as we could. Then she told me that we didn't have that discussion, because the school doesn't listen to ANYTHING she has to say. That's not right. She's a professional who works with my son and knows his abilities. WHY not!?
Upon hearing these disagreements with the test results, my mind has been put at ease. I DO know my son better than the people at the school do, and I need to fight for his rights, because NO one else will! I plan on talking with the school psychologist again. Maybe this time I can get some definite answers!
I've been getting through this time with the help of some dear friends! I've been able to vent my feelings (in a purging fashion) and just doing that little bit has been an enormous help! I think things have just been piled upon me for too long and my poor body can't handle the pressure I've been going through. So to those of you who have been helping me out...THANK YOU! I didn't realize how much I needed a good friend, and you have been there to help me! I'm so glad I have people who worry about me, and want me to succeed! :)


Kim said...

Let me know if, or when, they are going to re-test Cam. The sad thing is about his classroom 'tutor'is that is exactly how school districts usually see these people, as individuals who merely work with disabled students, not people who konw their job and do it well. I have met and worked with two ex-para-professionals at my school and they have been my rock that I cling to when I'm having problems with certain students. They have been able to give me great feedback about past tendencies with those students as well as what they are observing now. Without people like them at our school, I would be going more nuts than I already am. I hope your financial plan works out for you (I'm sure it will!) Money is always a pain to deal with, although it's nice to have when there's a little extra around. I hope everything works out for you. Take care!

Mama D said...

This all sounds just ridiculous. I cannot for the life of me understand why if the two individuals who work with your son the most say that those test results cannot possibly be correct and that he is working at a higher level than his results suggest he should be, that they will not retest him. This is a serious matter. What is the big deal with retesting. It can't be expensive. It is just a test. It is obviously worth redoing. AHHHH! I'm mad and I don't even 'know' your family. I think you are going to be forced to be a really unpleasant person until they start getting things in order. Don't feel bad about it. Now that I have a child I realize that sometimes we have to be awful in order to get things done.

sheri said...

What a tough and difficult situation! Dealing w/school systems can be so frustrating. It sounds like you're doing a great job staying on top of things and fighting for your son. Keep it up!

Mel said...


You are the best advocate for your child. Just follow those motherly instincts. You are the one that knows you child best. I know how much those labels hurt especially when they are wrong.

I can see how you would be feeling really overwhelmed right now. You definately have a lot on your plate. I feel that way a lot recently and I try to be honest with myself in determining if it's a temporary slump or depression. If you feel depressed for very long I would see the dr. I wish I could help in some way. I hope things start looking up for you.

Anne/kq said...

Ah, the joys of the school district that doesn't want to pay.

My mom ended up getting an educational advocate (which the school district had to pay for when it turned out they were in the WRONG) before my brother got the services he needed. Sadly, the time lost cost him precious years of OT that might have changed his current ability to write and do math. *sigh* I know it's frustrating, but I'm so glad your little boy has a mommy who will fight for him. It WILL work out, I'm sure it will. Until it does, you have my love and best wishes.

Mall Worker said...

I'm totally with you. Fight it with all you can. You and Cam's teachers know him better then some stupid test.

Melzie said...

You know-- I can see all points- I so hate being an adult where you can't just have this or that. Schools are so political-- it's crazy, but it is. FIght for it- and keep fighting- if this person can't do it, go to the next, and the next- eventually you'll find the one person who can change things.

As for the money. Only you know what's best. I'm sure whatever you guys choose to deal with will be wonderful for you all. I hate money. So much trouble it brings. :)

Anonymous said...

Good for you! Your son is lucky he has a Mama on board to help make sure he gets what he needs! And not the low expectations they are trying to foist on him.

One Scrappy Gal said...

BRAVO for fighting for your son!! They wanted to label me as retarded too, because I was deaf. My mom fought for me. I did very well in school once I had a few support services in place, and went on to obtain two college degrees. Can you imagine how things might have turned out if I didn't have my mom in their faces fighting for me?

Hitch up your pants, climb on that bull, and don't let it buck you off!! Sorry... I just saw an advertisment for a rodeo...