Wednesday, September 27, 2006

My Week at a Glance

I'm overwhelmed. I don't want to get into TOO much detail, so here's an abridged version:
  • I've been babysitting extra girls...way too much energy, and too much conflict for my taste!
  • A neighbor man died, and we're having to tell the little kids what has happened. It seems that they're handling it fairly well.
  • I've become the sounding board for my visiting teaching partner...I'm glad I can be there for her! She really needs a good friend right now.
  • Cam's IEP has come up and along with it have been suggestions from my FAVORITE (can you sense my sarcasm?) principal for DACC and more special ed! UGH! NO!! (His teacher agrees whole-hearted with me!)
  • A family friend's husband has turned into the creep who wouldn't give up! Supporting HER needs has become very important to our everyday lives! We constantly worry that he'll pull some crazy stunt that will end up hurting her or her children!
  • I'm seeing people's true colors in the face of adversity. Some turn to their own, selfish needs, others reach out in help of others, and some just close in on themselves. Dealing with these problems is what shows our true characters!

So, that's my life for the past few days summarized. All I can say is that I certainly hope that the kids I babysit will allow me a chance to sleep and recuperate! I need it!


Lana said...

wow you're busy!

Mama D said...

Sounds like you are handling it all pretty well. Hope you have a relaxing weekend at least!

CareBearMommy said...

I really hate Blogger.... have I ever mentioned that? It just erased my whole comment. GRR...

ANYway, you've got my curiosity and concern piqued... First of all, are you just TEMPORARILY babysitting these extra girls? What kind of conflicts are they causing? I sure hope you can handle it... ((hug))

Second of all... is the family friend of yours anyone I know? It really irks me when I see stoopid men treat their wives like crap (saw it all the time with my sis before her divorce). I hope she and her kids stay safe. They're lucky to have your family in their lives.

Meanwhile... try to relax and take a deep breath. It sounds like you're gonna need it!

CareBearMommy said...

And good luck with your FAVORITE principal. Dealing with unpleasant people is never fun.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...sounds like you could really use a vacation! Even just a weekend drive into the hills could do you some good! This weekend is supposed to be really nice...maybe you should think about taking a picnic into the hills between sessions of conference!! The leaves are georgeous this time of year!
Good luck with everything! (hugs)

Mall Worker said...

Sounds like you need a weekend to recover from your weekend!

Anonymous said...

That's a lot for 1 week!! Hope things settle down soon.