Saturday, September 23, 2006

A Blurb About RS Broadcast

I'm sorry about the extra post for today, but I have to comment on how much I LOVED the Women's broadcast tonight! I have been so emotional lately that the instant they started I was in tears. (What's up with that!?) Anyway, I can't believe how much they zeroed in on what I have been feeling this's amazing that we can learn SO much from these inspired women! (Even when we're dealing with a whiny child that we had to take with us at the last minute...) I'm really looking forward to next weekend now! :)


Millie said...

Oh, it was good, and I felt the same way - it was JUST FOR ME. I love that you included the painting. And I bawled through the whole thing too. I should've brought Kleenex. The story Pres. Hinckley told about the mom with 7 kids just about killed me because I thought, man, I have SO been there.

Melzie said...

I didn't get to go to it. :( My MIL was in town, and .. well-- I couldn't stomach being trapped with her. But I will be listening to it tomorrow evening. :)