Monday, April 17, 2006

Speaking "Dawnyelese"

As I sit in my "mommy chair," I have been thinking of how I can educate others of this new language that has been plaguing me for years and years. Now I can share my new talent with all of you.
For a long time now I've had a problem that has mostly been kept within my family. Whenever I need something and can't find the words I need, I will shout out the first noise or mumble that comes to my mouth. Let me give you an example: When my brother started to take away the food that wanted to put on my plate I immediately mumbled, "(Grunt) ghwob a (snort)shoevewhuh!" If you were to hear it there would be multi-pitches in my voice too. My brothers, sister, parents and now my husband will laugh at it and immediately try to duplicate the sounds that come out.
Sometimes this new "language" isn't just mumbles and garbled's also words said in mixed up ways. One of my famous Dawnyelese phrases is "Ah, that adds much!" If you were to use this phrase in proper context, it would have to be used after a noise that has been repeated over and over in an annoying fashion finally stops making the noise. The original use came when we were on a car trip to Utah. Anytime we go to Utah there is road construction somewhere along the way, and this stretch of road construction had the vehicles driving over those noise strips along the side of the road. So we were driving 65 mph hearing "wumph...wumph....wumph....wumph..." over and over. When we finally got out of the road construction area and only heard the silence of a normal drive, I sighed, "Ah, that adds much!" Hence a new phrase was born.
My brother has coined a definition for my "new" language. (I call it new, but I've been speaking Dawnyelese for YEARS!) It is officially Dawnyelese if there is at least one word in the phrase that you cannot spell with letters from the English alphabet. Since coming up with this definition we've found that I'm not the only person who speaks this language. My youngest brother has a strong propensity for speaking Dawnyelese. It's easy...if you want to learn a new language that is fun and hard for others to understand then you should take up learning Dawnyelese, your family will soon be making fun of you too!


CareBearMommy said...

I LOVE the picture. It looks like you're about ready to swoon-- or, should I say, "faint, dead away!" That is so funny. Jazz is in bed right now, so I'll have to wait till tomorrow to show it to her. I'm sure she'll love it too.

I have also heard you speak Dawnyelese. Of course, being that I grew up with you, that isn't at all surprising. I'm glad that there's finally a name to put to it. *snort*

Anonymous said...

Youare soooo funny...not so much funny ha ha...funny crazy! I too remember fondly Dawlyelese...A grunt, snort, and a giggle mixed in occasionally...sometimes our mouths get away from our brains don't they!

Rachelle said...

LOL! I speak nonsense, but not quite the same way.

Blackeyedsue said...

Love it. Sometimes words won't do. I love your blog Dawn!!!