Wednesday, April 19, 2006

My "new" Exercise Program

Okay, so I've been told repeatedly that I need to lose weight. After that last pic of me on my blog I was quite disgusted with my rolls showing and my butt taking up my "mommy chair." I admit it...I'm a disgusting blob! I have decided that I will try exercising at least once every other day. My doctor recommended running my stairs in my apartment, but I have one big issue with that....MY KNEES! I didn't notice it until we moved here, but my knees creak and grind as I go up and down the stairs. (Not so bad going down as up, but that's what defying gravity will do to you!) Sometimes if I want to bug Steve I'll lay in bed with my leg extended and slowly bend my knee. It makes him cringe, it's so funny. But I running the stairs is something I do anyway, but to add "exercise" to my routine I've decided to take up dancing, again.
For years and years I was a dancer. I was never one of those teeny ballerina types, but I was a rotund jazz dancer. I was in drill teams from age 7 until I was 16. I loved dancing, and I was really good at it (as long as someone else made up the moves for me, I'm not so good at choreography for myself.) So my youngest brother was shopping for his birthday last week and bought a CD with "Fishin' in the Dark" on it. I LOVED doing the line dance to that song. I used to be able to do it over and over and over and never tire of it. So when he played it for me last week I tried to do the dance to show him how it looks. (Here's the pathetic part of my story....) I was worn out and out of breath after 3 rotations. I couldn't believe stamina had left COMPLETELY!! So I made him give me a copy of the song and I'm working my way up to dancing to that song for at least a half hour. Right now my short term goal is dancing through the entire song, but baby-steps...right? Speaking of which...I think I'll attempt it now...before I have to babysit. Who knows, maybe Cam will join me! :)
Okay, for an update on how well my "new" excercise program went...I made my first baby-step goal! I danced thru the entire song without passing out or giving up! Now I'm onto my next goal of dancing for an entire hour! My husband seems to think that I should get out and walk around, but I told him I'm baby-stepping my way up to it. I do want to get out and be able to walk everywhere like I used to when I was younger, but I need to slowly work up to it. I don't want to get going and suddenly lose my momentum and give up! Baby-steps work for me! Tomorrow I hope to dance thru the song twice!
And for the changing comment's been taken care of! I love the comments, they're what keep me blogging! Keep it up!


CareBearMommy said...

I wish the best for you and your new exercise program. A poor self image is something that I have battled with my whole life... something that I wouldn't wish upon anybody. It's distressing to hear that you, whose confidence is a beauty I have always admired, are feeling down on yourself. I hope you can achieve your hopes and desires with exercizing and dancing. And who cares if it's just baby steps to start out with! You gotta start somewhere! You go, girl!

By the way, I really hope that my comment on your picture didn't offend you. The reason I loved that picture so much is because it's one that really showed character... it gave a clue to what you must be thinking and how happy you must be feeling after FINALLY getting the couches you had waited so long for (and deserved so much). Yeah, pictures where we smile and sit all nice and neatly in front of the camera are good to have, but it's also good to have those occasional pictures that show what's going on inside! You seemed to be celebrating your happiness and excitement in the picture...that is why it appealed to me so much.

Anonymous said...

GREAT GOAL! I need some goals like that in my life! And I really don't have a good excuse! I am just lazy! I have a park out my front door...with a walking path...but do I walk it...NO...occasionally I even DRIVE to the post office (especially in the winter) which is a full block away...but only a short jaunt across the park! Maybe I should dance too! It is soooo fun! But Craig makes fun of me when I line dance...what does he know about fun!

Anonymous said...

I am sooo sorry about using the name awhile back! I tried to remove it...but because I used the "other" selection when I posted my comment I can't get back into it or delete it! I will be more careful in the future! Again, I am SOOOOOOOOOO sorry!

CareBearMommy said...

Just an idea..... since Mattsmom can't edit her comment, you could copy it, edit it, and re-submit it.... then delete the old one.

Blackeyedsue said...

Good for you! I wish I had the coordination that you had in your pinky! I am on the weight loss brigade too. We will have to commiserate. I went in for my annual and they did bloodwork because I have borderline high cholesterol. I was also told that my weight is a major issue.

It is SOOOO hard to exercise when your body won't cooperate. I have plantar fasciitis (feels like a knife is being shoved up your heel into your leg) and a bulging disk. Call me cheesey, but I bought the "Gazelle" and I LOVE it. It is so low impact, it takes a lot longer to get my heart rate up, but at least my body is kind to me when I get off.

Now because my blood is goo and I can't shed the weight, I have to see a nutritionist. Lucy me.

All of this weight talk makes me want a brownie. Sigh.

Blackeyedsue said...

I meant "Lucky me."