Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Dear Santa

Today Cameron wrote his annual Santa letter....ALL BY HIMSELF!! I was so proud of him! (I did have to spell out the words for him, but he wrote it out.)
I was pretty brain-dead and didn't get a copy of it, but here's what it said:
"Dear Santa
Can you bring me Sorry? So I can play with my mom and dad. Thanks.
Cameron "
I've been trying to remind him that he really does want Sorry for Christmas and not something else....anyone else have that problem? ;)
We went to the big Santa mailbox in town to mail it, and the opening was screwed shut. I REALLY hope they unscrew it soon....otherwise I don't know what I'll do with it.


Anonymous said...

take him into the post office and tell them that since it is screwed shut you'd like to make sure they get it to Santa. I'm sure a postal worker will humor you.

cressfamily said...

There is a big Santa in front of the Idaho musem and I think one one the green belt

Dawnyel said...

The one that USED to be by the green belt is the one in front of the museum, AND the same one that's flap is screwed shut! :(