I'm a thirty-something stay-at-home wife and mom who likes to wander through my very strange childhood memories.
Yeah! Flowers are popping their little heads up! It has been beautiful, and i'm so glad! Enjoy!
So jealous! It has started to warm up a little bit, but there's still snow in small clumps aroung town. Wednesday's forcasted for more snow as well! I'm ready for Spring!
*sniff* It's gonna snow on us tonight.. and we have no flowers.. no leaves.. and the crocus that come up no matter what.. well.. they are dead.I WANT SPRING!!!
It was marvelous! The kids and I are all red faced with sunburn...oops.
Pretty flowers. Are those daylilies?
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Yeah! Flowers are popping their little heads up! It has been beautiful, and i'm so glad! Enjoy!
So jealous! It has started to warm up a little bit, but there's still snow in small clumps aroung town. Wednesday's forcasted for more snow as well! I'm ready for Spring!
*sniff* It's gonna snow on us tonight.. and we have no flowers.. no leaves.. and the crocus that come up no matter what.. well.. they are dead.
It was marvelous! The kids and I are all red faced with sunburn...oops.
Pretty flowers. Are those daylilies?
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