We had an informative meeting last night to prepare us for Cameron getting baptized this year.
All I have to say is we have a LOT to prepare the boy for. (I'm glad we've got until October to get all of this finalized in his mind.)
He is mentally behind his peers, but I'm sure he'll be okay getting baptized this year, as long as we can teach him about the basics. The kid just doesn't understand things on quite the same level as the other kids in his class. But like I said, I'm sure he'll be fine!
Oh sweetness!
I still can't believe I only have one more kid to go.
Everything works out- no matter what. N won't be getting baptized till he's at least 12 (personal decision between me & his father), however-- no matter what, it is all good, and it's all in the time frame it needs to be for him. :)
I just can't believe you have a kid that will soon be baptized! I know you will do a good job preping him for the big day!
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