Saturday, February 23, 2008

What do You do with a Sick Kid?

I try to keep him locked in my house so that he'll get feeling better soon....otherwise, *shrug* We usually nap and watch cartoons.
Thankfully, he's doing better, but he's still congested and dripping from his nose. I know he's doing better because he doesn't want to cuddle on my lap the way he did LAST night. Cuddling is NOT his thing, so I know something's up when he wants to be held by mama.
*Sigh* I just hope he's better tomorrow!


Kim said...

You know all those times growing up when your grandmother/mother would fix you some chicken noodle soup and swear it worked? I'm a believer, even if it's just the broth and not the noodles or stars or whatever kind you can get. If you haven't fed him it yet, get some. I hope the little guy gets feeling better soon! It's just no fun feeling yucky.

Sketchy said...

Oh the sick bugs. Is it worse this year or is it that everyone is blogging now so we all know about how bad it is?

Hope he's all better now.

Anne/kq said...

Awww, poor kid. And poor mommy. I second the chicken soup-- studies have shown it reduces symptoms. And I also think lying down watching tv is a good thing when sick, it keeps them from trying to do too much. Oh, and ice pops to get liquid down sore little throats. Poor guy, hope he feels better soon (and that you don't catch it!!!)

Melzie said...

Moan, groan, and sleep. Oh, and cross toes that it doesn't spread thru the house. :)