Tuesday, January 08, 2008

What Did I Do, Officer??

Tonight I drove Steve to get some dinner at a restaurant on our city's busy street. After going through the drive-thru, we looked into the road and saw in the turn lane an ENGINE!! (No, I'm NOT kidding, it was a full-blown-ENGINE!) I pulled out and tried to avoid the dang thing, and continued on, talking with Steve about what I had done that day.
As we were talking I saw the flashing blue and red lights in my rear-view mirror. *SIGH* I pulled on to a side-street, rolled down the window, and waited for the cop to tell me what I'd done wrong. (Steve was saying, "It's not OUR engine...our car is running....")
The officer asked for my license and registration and proof of insurance. I pulled out my license (which took me a minute to find, since in wintertime I don't believe in purses....it's all piled into my coat pocket....) while Steve looked for the registration and proof of insurance. The officer asked us if that was indeed an engine and we said it was, but luckily it WASN'T ours, since OUR car was running so nicely. Then he told me that whether our turn signals worked or not, he didn't notice me using them. I honestly told him that I didn't use them, and he commended me on my honesty, and just let me go with a warning, and a friendly reminder to use my blinkers.
Gotta love small town cops!! :)


Elena said...

That was a very nice cop. Just before Christmas I was cruising along out near my mom's house (yes speeding/ the speed limit was always 50 when I grew up and is now 40 and I CAN'T get used to it). ANyway, a cop passed me going the opposite direction and he looked me straight in the eyes as we passed. I just KNEW he had gotten me. As I looked in the rearview, I saw him slow down and flip his lights on. And then he turned them off and kept going. I wanted to reach out and hug him for just warning me. :)

Melzie said...

I hav eto admit, a HUGE driving pet peeve of mine is no blinkers. Poor Joe, gets it all the time... "oh, it would have been nice to know you wer eturning left..."

Glad it wasn't your engine- that woudl have been a sad day, LOL!!

CareBearMommy said...

HAHA! I think I would have been a little distracted (and maybe forgotten to use my blinker) with having to drive around the engine, too. That cop must have been bored.

Anonymous said...

It was fun to chat with you the other day! I am laughing my guts out! HOW in the world does an engine get into the middle of the road? I can just imagine the kind of day that guy had! I am glad you guys didn't hit it!