Friday, March 16, 2007

Free-for-All Friday Answers

One Scrappy Gal said...
I want REAL cookies! Not cyber!
And for your Friday question... why does Dave always yell at Alvin so? It's not like Simon and Theodore all that much better!
Scrappy: You're WAY ahead of me today! ;)
You know, I think Dave always yelled at Alvin because he was the instigator of most of the things they did. He was the master-mind behind their many adventures. He was also the oldest, and don't parents USUALLY yell at the older children more than the younger ones!? (At least, that's how it was in MY family growing up!)
P.S. If you want real cookies...and have a few hours to fly here, I've made some SUPER yummy chocolate chip oatmeal cookies! New recipe for me, and I love them!
Carrie said...
Here's a question for you... a little bit of movie trivia, actually. You have to tell me WHAT movie it was from, and what the answer was to that question.
How many cups of sugar does it take to get to the moon?
(I've been watching kids' movies for WAAAAAY too long!)
You know me TOO well!! (And my love of anything goofy!)
I'm saying it to myself (in a goofy way...)
Okay, first off, the movie is A Goofy Movie, one of my ALL time favorites!!
Goofy asks Max, in a sleepy voice, "How many cups of sugar does it take to get to the moon?" Then Max answers, "Uh... three and a half? " That satisfies Goofy enough for him to roll over, sound asleep again!
I think that brought back MORE memories than I thought it would!! I think I may have to watch that today!! LOL
Suzanne said...
How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? :D
If a woodchuck could chuck wood, it would chuck a CHUNK of wood! ;)
txmommy said...
plain or peanut?
what's your idea of a perfect date?
Plain!! :) (Chunky gets caught in my teeth, and it hurts! But I like it too!)
A perfect date is one where Steve and I both have a good time, usually it's dinner and a movie. Whoever chooses the place we eat the OTHER chooses the movie. (But we try REALLY hard to pick places that we can BOTH be happy!) Then we come home, and....well, you get the idea! ;)
If you wanted to know what my perfect dates WERE:
The BEST date was one where Steve and I were just dating. We were poor college/newly off mission peoples! So we walked around ISU campus talking and finding places to keep warm. I just love times when Steve and I talk and talk! (One of my BEST memories is when we sat out on my mom's trampoline and talked for hours!)

1 comment:

One Scrappy Gal said...

First of all... I'm impressed you knew what I was talking about. I never once said "The Chipmunks." So kudos!

Secondly, you are wise like Yoda.

Third... if you were REALLY nice you'd mail me cookies. My boy pooped in the tub. That warrants cookies! :)

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!