Monday, February 26, 2007

My Life Monday: Love/Hate Foods

I had a beautiful post written, but do you think Blogger could leave it be for me?? NOPE!! GRRRRRRR.....
There are just a few foods that I hate, just a few: mushrooms (aka "slime-doggers") and seafood. Try to give me either, and I just may puke on you!
If there is miniscule mushrooms, I'll find it, and probably gag. Last Sunday I tried making one of those frozen crock pot meals of stroganoff, but didn't notice, until SUNDAY MORNING, that there were mushrooms in it. Let's just say that Steve, who LOVES mushrooms, didn't like it either! But I did pick out the mushrooms, but anytime I bit into something remotely soggy, I thought it was a mushroom and just couldn't handle it! ICK!
Seafood just tastes and smells fishy! EW!! I like the taste of shrimp, or I did when I was little, but one time I got sick on some shrimp, and I haven't been the same since.
When we go out to restaurants I encourage Steve to get the foods he loves, so I don't have to cook them. It works out pretty well, he gets what he wants, and I don't have to deal with them!
The foods I LOVE are many....but I will only name a few: chocolate and Texas Roadhouse's Chicken Critters.
If you know ANYTHING about me, you already know my cure for PMS....chocolate. When I get even slightly cranky, Steve will ask if he can buy me some Bryer's Brownie Mud Pie Ice Cream. (I've got him trained!) It's so LOADED with chocolate that it's almost a sin...almost! ;)
And Chicken critters!? Oh, I can't get enough of those! Anytime we got to Texas Roadhouse I get the SAME thing: Chicken Critters with extra honey mustard dipping sauce, a loaded baked sweet potato, and a house salad with ranch dressing. Oh, I'm drooling just thinking about it!
If you want to read more MLM's, visit Rachelle's blog!


Suzanne said...

Chocolate and sin just shouldn't ever be in the same sentence! ;) I missed all your fun "Ask Me a Question" posts. I'll have to play when you do it again! :D

Mama D said...

Wow! I can't believe you hate mushrooms so much. I love them.

But the chocolate thing. I totally get!

Anonymous said...

Love/hate...I am currently in a love/hate relationship with most foods! I love almost all food...but they don't love me! Even milk can cause major reflux and indigestion for me right now! Chocolate is yummy...really yummy...but my thighs are starting to protest.
Funny that you hate mushrooms...who wants to eat a fungus anyway?

Elena said...

Chocolate sweet chocolate, a girl's curse! (I love it too and all 3 of my girls are chocaholics as well.) And Roadhouse, mmmmmm....Can't say I've had the chicken critters (I LOVE the filet mignon and can't try anything else), but I LOVE Outbacks kookabura fingers and honey mustard. GOOD FOOD! You made me hungry. (You're just like Jarom with the mushrooms. He gags too.)

CareBearMommy said...

Chocolate is totally my weakness right now. Maybe that's because we constantly have a bunch of it in the house. It's sounding pretty good at this moment, now that you mention it.

I LOVE mushrooms. Isn't it weird how some people can totally love one thing, and that same thing will make other people gag? Hmmm....

(ps... read my comment on your book meme post if you haven't yet)

Rachelle said...

Yum, I like seafood. ;) That was fun to read!