Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Frustration with the Big Kids and the Little Ones

I wanted to shoot my husband, but I didn't! Yesterday he pretty much had complete control over our computer. (I know, I should SHARE!) Anyway, he took a digital picture of our Christmas tree and tried to set it as our wallpaper for our computer, but he had the resolution TOO high, and messed it all up! All of a sudden we had a message telling us that our computer (or whatever) was out of range. So I called my little brother, who originally put our computer together for us, and I whined to him. He came right over (even though it was 10:30 at night) and fixed my problem! I guess I shouldn't be so frustrated over the whole situation, but I am. Because my little brother came over, he reconfigured everything, and now my screen is totally WEIRD! Ugh! I'm such a "everything-has-to-be-the-same-girl!" :PThis is our cute, little Christmas tree....we're someday hoping to get a bigger, better one....that's PRE-LIT!
Then today I did the whole mama/teacher thing at Cam's school. Usually they do centers, but since last week was so short, they finished up their centers yesterday, and began some testing today. Mrs. K asked me if I could help with testing, and I figured I could. It was NOT as easy as I had thought! We were testing two kids at once, with multiple people giving tests at the same time. The kids were EASILY distracted, and tried to copy off of their neighbor's paper. Even if they had the right answer and noticed that the person next to them had put something else, they'd change their answer! I just wanted to scream out, "NO! You had it right! Don't change it!" but then I remember that I was pretty much the same way when I was that age. I remember being in a spelling bee in the first grade. I was supposed to spell "front" and I spelled it correctly, but when the teacher asked me to respell it, I thought I had messed up and spelled it a DIFFERENT way. Another kid in the class pointed out that I had spelled it right the first time, but since I had changed my mind, I was wrong. From that time on, I decided that I would stick with my FIRST instinct, even if it was wrong, because it COULD be correct. Anyway, back to today...the kids in Cameron's class kept looking to me for confirmation of their answers, but all I could really do was ask them if they thought it was right. It was SO hard, especially with my whole OCD going on, but I did it! I'm so proud of me! *patting self on the back*
And now for the results of my game from yesterday! Yay to Carrie and Suzanne for guessing the songs. Neither one knew BOTH, but they each knew ONE! (You guys are SO funny!) The answers to #4 and #5 were Silent Night and Noel. Both cheesy, but I found both very funny!
The rules to my funny game: you have to figure out the mixed up titles to these Christmas songs and I'll put up a link to your blog and make my fancy, dancy award say YOUR name! (I know you're ALL DYING for that!)
Song #6: Present me naughty but dual incisors for this festive Yuletide
Song #7: The smog-less bewitching hour arrived
Song #8: Exuberation to this orb
Good luck!


Suzanne said...

I know all 3!!! Wow...I'm getting better at this!

6. All I want for Christmas is my 2 front teeth.
7. It came upon a midnight clear.
8. Joy to the World!


CareBearMommy said...

Okay...... I got #6 and #8 right off, but then my preggo brain kicked in. I "accidentally" saw Suzanne's comment, so now I know #7 as well.

6... All I want for Christmas is my Two Front Teeth
7... It Came Upon a Midnight Clear
8... Joy to the World!

nikko said...

Your Christmas tree is so cute! Great job.

I would guess the songs, but two people have already beat me to it. :o)

Anonymous said...

I will not read the previous comments first...guesses are...

All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth.

It came upon a midnight clear

Joy to the world

too bad about the hubby messing with the computer thing...I don't like things like that to be messed with either...hence...he has his OWN computer! (granted that it is the crappy one that kickes him of the internet all too often...but...really he never uses the internet anyway)!

Enjoy the holidays!

Now I will read the comments from before me...

HA...I was right...based on two peoples previous guesses!

Anonymous said...

HA! Your riddles were no challenge for my superior intellect.

Suzanne said...

Tag! You're it! Come here for directions for a "Early Reading" Meme. :)