Monday, October 23, 2006

The Definition Meme

Nikko from Three Blond Boys tagged me for a post that is RIGHT up my alley! She gave me words that she just made up, and I get to define them. How fun for me! :) (The odd tidbit of the whole thing is that when I copied these words into my WordPerfect program, two of them weren't misspelled! WHOA!)

Peccavi: peck-KAH-vee -verb
What a dentist does with that pokey thingy before he fills a cavity. "Please hand me that pokey thingy...I'm going to peccavi the heck out of this tooth to make sure this cavity is big and painful enough."

Turptitude: turp-TY-tood -noun
The way you feel after being in an enclosed room with a can full of turpentine. "This time her turpitude is a bit on the giggly side!"

Coracle: kor-UH-kl -adjective
An apple-like shape; the shape an apple has after eating the edible parts. "That rock has a coracle shape to it. Look, it even looks like someone bit into the seeds!"

Lucubration: LOOS-oo-BRAY-shun -noun
An abrasion that a child gets when they pull out a tooth. "Sally's gums had a major lucubration after Bobby kicked her tooth out of her mouth."

This was fun, now I tag anyone so inclined to define:
(If you do decide to define these words...let me know...I'd like to know what I've been talking about for all of these years!)

And now I'm off for Cam's doctor appointments in Salt Lake. I mentioned earlier that we were hoping he wouldn't be getting poked or anything, and then the doctor called me and asked if the could do a 5-year study on Cam regarding NF1. I agreed, and then found out he has to have all sorts of tests done...blood work, x-rays, urine tests, bone density scans... Poor boy! I guess it wasn't meant to be! :P


ellen said...

I thought I was the only person that used WordPerfect. :)

Millie said...

We're heavy on the tooth references here! :) I love that you're handing out made-up words to define... they reminded me of playing Mad Libs with my sister. I asked her for a Russian word and she said "Boogilagrium." LOL!!

Suzanne said...

I still use Word Perfect too! Just call us the Stone-Agers! ;) I do have Word and I know that I need to learn it, but I've been using Word Perfect since I was in the 6th grade. This change is going to be traumatic!

Fun definitions Dawnyel! :)

nikko said...

Dawnyel, I love your definitions. :o) I'm loving your made up words. I didn't get that creative. Just flipped through the dictionary looking for the most obnoxious/unknown words I could...

My DH makes fun of my made up words all the time. I didn't realize they were made up, though, my mom says them all the time!

Anonymous said...

LOL- great definitions!! :) Good luck on teh appt's for Cam. Hope you had a safe trip- and it's not too awful with the pokes and prods.

wendy said...

Poor little dude!

You could work for Websters, you are like a walking dictionary!