Monday, September 11, 2006

Where I was Then: 5 Years Ago

This post is a direct entry from my journal dated Tuesday, 11 September 2001:
"These acts shatter steal, but they can't shatter our spirits." --President George W. Bush
It all started with a phone call from my mom at 8:30 (MDT) this morning. Cameron (who will be one next month) was awake and he and I were giggling together in my bed. She asked me if I was watching TV. I said no and she told me to turn it on--I asked what channel and she said it didn't matter, I'd find it on pretty much every channel. I flipped through and saw a tall building smoking with a huge dirt cloud next to it. She told me one of the twin towers of the World Trade Center had a plane fly through and they were trying to decide if there had been a bomb on it. Then she said the Pentagon had also had a plane fly into it. On channel 8 they showed both pictures side by side. Steve came out and I filled him in on what I knew. Then Mom said good-bye and I was glued to the TV for the next hour or two.
At first I thought it was a joke. How could anyone really believe this tragedy could happen in the USA?! Then as I watched and listened I heard the reporters say that the remaining tower was leaning and they feared it would collapse too. Steve called work to let them know what was going on and to listen to the radio. Then as he called his family, the second tower fell.
When I saw that I felt horrible for those people and their families and I started crying. I can't imagine how they feel and what they're going through. The coverage has been going all day! Those planes were hijacked and the terrorists knew what they were doing.
People are saying that war has been declared against us.
As I thought about what's going on I thought 'This is the beginning of the end.' In seminary I remember discussing the last days when there would be a huge religious this the beginning of that war?! Things are so scary!
I worry and wonder, but I hope life will be fine and continue to go well. I'm so worried about those people and us!

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