Tuesday, July 25, 2006

My Poor Boy...

I fear that my poor boy may have contracted pink eye while we were at Lagoon. He went on some of the water rides, and got the water squirted directly into his eye. He complained a bit about it hurting, but quickly found something else to entertain him, and get his mind off of the pain. Now after being home for a few days his eye is no longer beautifully blue, it's an icky shade of redish-pink. I coo, and sympathize, but what else can I do? I specifically went to Walmart (my favorite store of all time) and bought him some specialty eye drops, and if those don't work, he's going to the doctor, whether he wants to or not! Oh, did you think I was talking about Cam? Nope, it's my sweet hubby, Steve. Get better soon, babe!


Blackeyedsue said...

Pinkeye is the pits. Not only does it sting like none else, you are constantly trying not to rub it and then touch something else.

Get better soon Dawnyel's sweetie!

Mall Worker said...

Oh my, that was just too funny! I hope you get better soon Steve!!!!

Anonymous said...

hahaha....poor boy!!! I really did think it was Cam! get well soon!
PS...Why did you activate the annoying letter thingy on your comments?

Mama D said...

Get better soon Steve!

CareBearMommy said...

I so totally thought you were talking about Cam. Isn't it amazing, though, how being sick or hurt can reduce a grown man to a little kid again? Take good care of your boys, and just pray that Cam DOESN'T catch it (since it is extremely congateous). At least Steve is old enough to realize how contageous it is, so that he can help take precautions so it won't spread. Good luck!

ps... were you getting some unwanted commets or something? What IS with the letter thingy?

utmommy said...

I hate pink eye. It hurts sooo bad. Hope the medicine works.

Dawnyel said...

Yes, I was getting unwanted comments, that's why the "annoying letter thing" is up. I'm sorry for those of you who have to do it, I know it annoys me at times too!