Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I miss my husband

I'm a bit upset right now. My husband is at work...but not in town....they had him drive to Pocatello (about an hour away) to work at a restaurant that he normally doesn't work at. He called me right after he got to where we thought he WAS going to work for the night and his boss asked him to go to the other store. He called me while he was still in shock from the request and I could tell that he wanted to talk about it, but he needed to get on the road. So now instead of not seeing him until midnight...I won't be seeing my honey until 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning! I really don't like it at all!
Lately he's been having work issues. The job he loves has drastically cut his hours back and to make up for the loss of wages from that job he's had to start working more hours at the job he really doesn't like. So I haven't really been able to spend time with him since Sunday. It sucks! I don't like it when he's gone most of the day! I really don't like it when I have a frustrating day watching the kiddos and he's not there to vent to, I'm sure he feels the same way about not being able to vent to me.
I miss him! I wish that I could just spend quality time with him...not sleeping time with him!

1 comment:

CareBearMommy said...

I understand what you're saying about missing your hubby. I miss mine to. Being around whiny grumpy kids all day makes me miss him even more. I hope you can find the time to go on a date soon.