Monday, May 19, 2008

What To Do??

So since finding out I was going to be having a baby SO close to Memorial Day, I decided that I would just stay home and NOT go camping, well, some things have changed and I just don't know quite what to do!
The place we normally go camping to is, in all likelihood, still snowed in, or extremely muddy and gross. With this being the case, my family has decided to go to another less snowed in spot for camping. Since there's less snow there, there's less ruts and bumps to make for an uncomfortable me.
I don't have to take my tent. My parents just bought a brand new motor home and have invited me to sleep in it with them. They REALLY want me to go with them.
Here's the problem, I'm not so sure I feel up to camping. Sure, I'll be just as miserable at home, but at least at home I'm 10 minutes from the hospital if anything goes wrong. But I REALLY do want to go camping. It's one of my absolute favorite things in the whole world.
On top of all of this, I was hoping to spend more time with Steve. I mean, we've only got a few numbered weeks with just Cam and the two of us before I'll be busy with baby #2. I do want to spend as much time with him as possible.....
I just don't know what to do. What would you do?


Jewelle said...

It's funny I am in kinda the same situation, but it is for right after the baby comes. Anyway, I think it really depends on how far away the camp site is. Getting this close to a due date I would feel incredidably(sp) nervous if I was more than 45 min - 1 hour away. Even that far away is a little scary. If the site is closer than that I would say go for it! Have some family fun time.

stevie kay said...

I'm with Jewelle. If it's within one hour you should go. After all, you don't have to take a tent or anything, so if you're really miserable, you can just pack up and come home!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...tough one. I do think it would be great to spend some time with Steve and Cam before the baby comes...but on the other hand camping isn't something you will be doing much of after the baby is here either. Camping with a newborn is no fun at all. WAY too stressful!
I think I would go camping as long as it is close enough to home.
I talked to someone who had recently been up near where you usually go camping (just four days ago). He told me that there is still about a foot of snow up there...and standing water EVERY WHERE! Little "lakes" are on both sides of the road for miles. I think it is probably a good idea to head somewhere else for the holiday!

Kim said...

I know you LOVE to camp, but I think you'll survive if you don't go over the holiday. Even with the 'rents new camper. Although it does sound like fun. What would you end up doing if you don't go camping with them?

Anonymous said...

Bring a basin to boil water in case, you know, they have to deliver the baby on the campground?

On the other hand... maybe doing something physical like that will make baby Jacob come sooner?

Your days for fun will be pretty limited for a while once you have the new baby. This might be your last chance for a big hoorah for a while?

I'm completely unhelpful aren't I? :)

The Cook Clan said...

Hmmmm....this is easy for me to say since I'm not prego, but go camping. After all you only get to live life once and you will be able to spend time with them as well....right? It may be cooler in the mountains???? Just a thought. Well, good luck.

Melzie said...

I'd stay home- to heck with hurting someone elses feelings. There will be plenty of time for camping after baby come. PLENTY. Let them take your baby now, and you and your hubby spend some one on one time together... THAT would be my plan. :)