Monday, November 12, 2007

Here's the Peanut

The doctor put the ultrasound on my tummy and announced, "Congratulations, you're pregnant!" (Can I tell you how much I LOVE this woman!?)

I did all of the first time tests, and paperwork, and now we're off and running....and ALL is well!! In fact, the Doctor's words to me when she saw the baby on the machine was, "Everything's PERFECT!" YAY!!

The little heartbeat was the most BEAUTIFUL thing I've seen in YEARS!!


Anonymous said...


Let's just say there are tear stains on my cheeks. I am so happy for you! LOVE YA!

nikko said...

Yay, yay, yay!!!!

Anonymous said...

So great! I've been waiting all day to see this post!!!! Congrats.

One Scrappy Gal said...

Yay!! Hi peanut!! *waves*

CareBearMommy said...

I am so stinkin' happy for you. Next summer, when we visit SE Idaho(probably in July-ish), I'll be sure to stop in and see you and your newly added-on family. I can't wait to give you a big hug!

Darci said...

Hey fellow boob lady!!! So glad you were able to see the peanut. We called ours the Jelly Bean:)

Dawnyel said...

Darci, LOVE YOU TOO (boob girl!) ;)

Anne/kq said...