Sunday, April 15, 2007

Hypothetical Question...

What do YOU do when your husband makes a liar out of you?? Just curious...


Millie said...


makes a liar out of me how? Are you sure this is hypothetical? ;)

CareBearMommy said...

I eat a big ol' load of humble pie. Then I blame him for making me lie!

Dawnyel said...

Millie, YES!!
It's COMPLETELY hypothetical! ;)

Anne/kq said...

Laugh it off and then apologize, kinda jokingly but meaning it (assuming it was something good! If it was in a bad way, that's a whole 'nother story!)

Melzie said...

Depends on what it's about. :)

Anonymous said...

Maybe you could "hypothetically" hang him up by his toe nails. :)

One Scrappy Gal said...

I burn his likeness (like a G.I. Joe) in effigy.

I hide his wallet and keys and make him think he's losing his mind.

Not that this has ever happened...what with me being True Truella and all. :)

Suzanne said...

I usually try to make a joke out of it and luckily my hubby is pretty easy going and will let it go with a minimal amount of teasing.