Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Naptime Interrupted

Naptime is for naps, right!? Ugh, not today! First, I fall asleep before Cam (what usually happens...) Then in the middle of our nap, Steve wakes up and comes to my side of the bed (Yes, we nap in my bed...all 3 of us...) where he's left the cell phone. He bumps Cam's glasses OFF my nightstand, I tell him to pick them up. To which he tells me, "Don't wake him!"
After Steve leaves, my hip begins to hurt like none other, which means, rolling time....I have to roll both me AND Cameron over, since he sleeps ON my arm. I get settled, Cam breathes funny...like he's awake. He FINALLY falls back to sleep...I do too, then our lovely, dovey, FANCY-DANCY phone rings...waking us up for good!!
Naptime is for naps...except when naptime only lasts 20 minutes...tops!
(Yes, I'm whining....can you tell what time of the month it is?!)


CareBearMommy said...

Okay, so I'm seriously trying not to laugh here. That happens to me all the freakin' time! I never get my nap time any more. I have to sleep while Tyler AND Kaitlyn are sleeping. The few times that DOES happen, Jasmine ends up waking me up to ask me a question or to tell me something. I MISS my naps, and I'm grumpy without 'em!

Gina said...

That sucks... stupid phone. We have neighbors who think blasting their radio in their car is a good afternoon activity... so naps are either interupted by this or the fancy dancy phone. Dang it!

Melzie said...

I don't do naps unless I'm ill... so, can't relate. BUT! Joe could-- he loves naps- and it irks me, LOL :)

Mama D said...

You get naps?!

Anne/kq said...

This sounds like NIGHT time at my house. We're lucky if Ems takes one nap a week...

nikko said...

I'm with mama d... YOU GET NAPS?? Where do I sign up for that?

Even Little P, who is just ONE, has decided that one 45 minute nap is enough for him. And the big boys are LONG past wanting to take naps.

(oh, and I LUV your new photo!)

(oh, and my wv is "mikfod" ROFL!)

Anonymous said...

OOOOHHH!!! I hate it when nap time is interrupted!

Dawnyel said...

Naps are a NECESSITY in my life...as you can tell my my whining rant! (My mom made naps mandanatory when I was younger...whether I wanted it or not....if we didn't nap, we'd have to have "quiet time!")