Thursday, March 29, 2007

An Actual Spring Break Day!

Today will be our only real day this week to have some "spring break" time. Steve actually has the daytime off (he still has to work graveyard tonight) so we're going to be having fun today! YAY! I'm pretty to just get my butt off the computer, and get to it! (Not only do we get to do "spring break" activities, but it's not snowing today! YAY!)
Enjoy today, for you'll never know when you'll look back and say, "I'm so glad we did that." People don't look back at their lives and think of how they could have spent MORE time at work, or more time just perfecting their typing! Get out and enjoy the day! :)


Mama D said...

Have a fabulous day!

Suzanne said...

Have a great day with your family! It's so nice that the sun is shining today after yesterday's nasty snow storm!

CareBearMommy said...

Uh.... did you actually have SNOW yesterday? CRAZY! Have a fun day!

Millie said...

Hey, I was going to ask you a question. Sorry I showed up so late. If you feel like answering, I'll ask one: What's your favorite thing about your hubby?

Lisa M. said...

Oh wonderful. I love good spring play days! You'll have to tell us what you all did!

I like Thoroughly Mormon Millie's question!

Melzie said...

Now.. I want you to make your lips do that when I see you- I've been trying to do it now, and I am not that lip savvy I guess!! :)