Thursday, November 30, 2006

I'd Rather Be Cold than Hot

Okay, so that's my for reals! (Gee, I'm reverting back to my kindergarten days!) Lately it's been REALLY, super, FREAKIN' cold! Like yesterday, I took Cam to school, and walked with him to the toys while he played until the bell rang. The principal (UGH!) came over the loud speaker and announced that according to the weather service it was -5 degrees, and that all students needed to line up and go inside IMMEDIATELY. Kids with blue faces didn't disagree, and lined up FAST!
After getting inside, I found out that I wasn't really needed in class to help, so I walked home. I guess I had been inside just long enough that I had started to warm up, because my face was KILLING me! It hurt so bad, I walked home faster than I had ever done before.
After getting home, I curled up on my couch with one of my warm quilts and tried to get myself warm again. This is why I'd rather be cold than hot! If you're cold, you can ALWAYS find a way to warm up, but if you're hot you can't always take enough off to keep cool!
Anyway, after warming up for an hour I finally was able to feel my face again! YES! AN HOUR!
I decided to take my time getting Cam from school, because I didn't want to freeze outside waiting for the kids to come out. Even with leaving my house later than normal, I still had to wait 10 minutes. As I waited I looked at the snowflakes falling on my big, floofy coat. I pondered the saying that no two snowflakes are alike, and watched as many similar ones landed on me.
When Cam finally got to me, he wasn't wearing his gloves, so I made him put them on (since he was crying that his hands hurt, and the fact that they were BRIGHT red.) As I was shoving his hands into his gloves one of his little friends was trying to be funny, and made a snowball. Now, as anyone who lives in snowy weather knows, when it's THAT cold outside, the snow is just fluff...there's no substance to it, really. Anyway, this little boy didn't know that (he had earlier in the day stuck his tongue to a metal pole!) and he tried to throw a snowball at Cam. The snow plastered his face! It went behind his glasses, and down his hood. I was NOT happy with this.
His friend immediately started to apologize, but I knew I needed to get him home as FAST as I could! We ran home, with Cam crying the whole way about how his face hurt, while his little friend was screaming his name over and over.
I got him in our door, and looked at his was blue and purple! Yes, people, it was STINKIN' cold! I then grabbed a washcloth and ran it under lukewarm water and pressed it to his face and hands. As soon as I had him warmed up a bit, I grabbed the kid and cuddled with him under that warm quilt I had laying on my couch.
I wanted to kick that kid in the shin! I'm not the kind of person to actually DO that, but that's what I wanted to do. I couldn't believe he'd do that. I guess he learned a couple of important lessons yesterday: 1) NEVER stick your tongue to a freezing metal pole, and 2) Never throw snow at your friend's face on a FREAKIN' cold day!


Amanda said...

Poor Cam! What a good mommy he has. My son came running out of school the other day when it was below freezing with the wind chill, pulling his coat off. He told me he was hot. I told him he was CRAZY!!!!

I agree with the cold/hot thing, but after being in Arizona for nearly a week I wanna go back where it is warm.

Anonymous said...

man...some kids are just so dumb! Another good lesson...never do ANYTHING mean to another kid...especially while his moommy who is several times bigger than him is watching! He probably deserved to be punished...although it probably wouldn't have been good for Cam's reputation in the future. Even still...a good shin kicking would have been tempting for me too!

Suzanne said...

I'm exactly the opposite from you! I'd rather be too hot than too cold. I can cool off quickly like jumping in a pool or the shower, but when I get cold, it takes me a long time to warm up.

Cam's friend stuck his tongue to a metal pole? Does he also need to be told not to play with a BB gun because "You'll shoot your eye out!" ;)

Hopefully Cam's friend isn't feeling too bad. At least he'll probably never do that again.