Sunday, April 09, 2006

Funerals and Family

This weekend was a crazy one. We had a couple of funerals to attend. Since one was a family member, we had some family from out of town visiting so they could attend. It was so fun! (Not that funerals are fun, but having family here is!)
We had fun exchanging pictures and stories. The first night they were here we stayed up talking until 2:00AM! We're so tired, but so happy to have had them come to visit!
This is my husband's aunt and the family member that came to visit with us. I met her for the first time on our trip! But after this weekend I really got to know her better and love her like one of my own aunts. She even gave me a private tutorial on how to make my family history program do really cool things! I wish they could have stayed longer, but they had other family to visit. We'll make sure that we can keep in touch though! They were so much fun. Cam immediately noticed the resemblance between my husband's mother and her sister, so he began calling her and her husband grandma and grandpa. I was going to correct him, but figured that it was a sweet compliment to them, so we didn't worry about it! Now the poor kid thinks that he has like 20 grandparents!
With two funerals going on at the same time this weekend we had to split up, or miss one while going to the other one. So I went to one and my husband went to the other one. The one I went to was for a family friend who had complications to surgery. It was VERY sad. This man was younger than my own dad (who is only 20 years older than me.) The thing that shocked me about this man's death was the fact that I had just seen him a few months ago and he was fine...or so it had appeared! He was smiling and joking and being himself, then I find that he had died. I went to the viewing and the funeral with my parents and learned how very loved this man was! We went early to his viewing at the funeral home and the line was already moving OUT the door! Then when we went to the funeral the church was packed! The speakers talked about his love of family, friends, and the Lord. I made a resolve to myself to try to act in the same manner. This man had been in the hospital in a coma for 2 weeks before he had died and everytime someone would come in to visit him they would introduce themselves as his best friend. The bishop had commented on how he had never seen anyone with so many best friends in his life. This man had treated everyone that he knew as if they were his best friend. What a tribute! Like I said, I have resolved to myself that I will begin that practice! You can NEVER have to many friends and how cool would it be to have all your friends be your best friends?


Anonymous said...

Dawnyel...You are my BEST FRIEND!
You are the most important one that you need to worry about! And I think about you often! It is so fun that you got to see those relatives again... how fun!

Melzie said...

I love funerals fo rthat very fact. Meeting up with friends and relatives, and celebrating the life of the one who passed. :)

Anonymous said...

you and my aunt are so cute and im glad that they liked you and that we had a great time with them.