Wednesday, March 22, 2006


I finally bit the bullet and went to the drug store and got the medicine that my doctor prescribed for me last month. It took some work, because I knew that we wouldn't be able to afford $100 plus a month it would take to get the meds in the first place and I needed to call the doctor to see what they could do to help me. Well, the thing about me is that I have this very strange affliction when it comes to the phone...I'm afraid of it. I know, I can someone who LOVES to blog be terrified of a stupid machine?
I think part of my phobia came from when I was harassed on the phone as a child. I was called by some very strange people and these creepy guys told me things that most people shouldn't hear. So when I call people now, in the back of my mind I think I am always afraid that the person that I am talking to will hurt me in the same ways that those few people did when I was younger. And you'd think that over the years the fear would have lessened, but, no. I still get that gripping fear that overwhelms me to the point that I get physically sick and if I don't have to call someone, I won't. Like when I have to get ahold of my ladies for visiting teaching, I grab them at church rather than calling them on that dreadful thing.
I knew that I needed this medication if I want to get pregnant again and the only way I could do that was to call the doctor's office. So I debated and fought my natural instinct and called the office. They changed my prescription to something cheaper and I felt RELIEF! It was over...for the moment anyway, until I need to call someone else. Is there anyway to get over my irrational fear? Or will this malady affect me until the day I die? Is there any help for a phonophobe like me?


CareBearMommy said...

I have a hard time talking on the phone to most people, too. Though not for the same reason as you. I just have a hard time talking to people. But I can talk to you on the phone, though. I have no problem talking to you. :) Maybe it's because our conversations don't fulfill any purpose except for that to blab. Mindless blab is good for the soul. Thanks for being a good friend that I can blab to... online OR on the phone.

Anonymous said...

That is a sad story...I never knew that about you! I hope that you never get frightened when I call!
I am SOOOO glad that you got the meds tho! I really hope they help you get prego! You deserve it! You are a great person...and a great friend (even if you are a PMSer)! I still love ya!