When I was in college, I was in a very FUN group of friends. We were all weird, but no one judged anyone else. I truly miss those people!
One night, while we were just sitting around discussing nothing in particular, we began talking about the "weird" talents we have. And, since several of us made up the ward's activity committee, we decided that it would be fun to have an UNtalent show. One where we could show off the stranger talents we have. One guy, I remember, had "elastic" skin. It was super freaky. Another could twist his arm around...truthfully, we were QUITE a group!
Once we decided on this activity, I had a few talents immediately pop into my head: my Elvis lips, my freaky eyebrows, my whistle, and my baby-singing.
One night, while we were just sitting around discussing nothing in particular, we began talking about the "weird" talents we have. And, since several of us made up the ward's activity committee, we decided that it would be fun to have an UNtalent show. One where we could show off the stranger talents we have. One guy, I remember, had "elastic" skin. It was super freaky. Another could twist his arm around...truthfully, we were QUITE a group!
Once we decided on this activity, I had a few talents immediately pop into my head: my Elvis lips, my freaky eyebrows, my whistle, and my baby-singing.
Here are my Elvis lips. I can only do them in one direction...but my sister and mom can go BOTH directions...SO cool! Usually when I do my lips people will look at me like I'm a psycho crazy lady, but who cares!?

My eyebrows are VERY expressive. And when I'm unimpressed with someone or something, they SHOW my true feelings. Steve has now gotten to the point where he'll see me doing that face, and say, "They don't scare me!" (Meaning my eyebrows...)
My whistle is interesting, because I can only do it once in a while. It's not something that I can do anytime I want. What it is, is I have a little hole in the roof of my mouth...pin-sized...and sometimes it opens up. Then when I swallow, I make a cute little squeak. I call it a whistle, but it's more like an annoying squeak!
And my baby-singing. It's really hard for me to describe this obnoxious noise properly, but I'm going to try. I take my hand and make a fist, leaving my pinkie finger up in the air. I take my fist, and cover my mouth, so it looks like I'm playing my hand like a trumpet. Then, I begin to make this noise that sounds like a baby calling out, "Doo doo doo doo doo." The fun part is when I "sing" while doing this. I've been known to make a room full of noisy kids immediately shut up and listen when I start doing this noise. I've taught a few kids my "secret" and made them SWEAR to stop if their mom tells them to, but usually they don't listen. Someday, when I get around to learning how to upload videos to the computer, I will HAVE to share this. Until then, just think of the most obnoxious noisy baby in the world....and add 10 times more volume!
So what untalents do you have?! I've bared MY soul, now it's YOUR turn!
I can sing all the 50 states, in alphabetical order...
I want to teach our kids, but Tom hates the song with a passion. I say he's just unpatriotic.
I can do the Elvis lips as well, but the opposite side than you. I can also do the "doo-doo-doo" baby noise. And, my most amazing talent of all...I can see the end of my nose at all times. (Is that a talent or does it mean my nose is just EXTRA huge?)
How fun that you shared your UNtalents with us! :)
LOL Sketchy! I can do the states too! I have a tiny left pinky fingernail. I guess that's not something I can do, but it's really weird looking!
I can imitate voices, sort of. I can flick my tongue really fast like a lizard. Hmmmm.
I can flare my nostrils, curl my tongue, and bend my left thumb back at a weird angle (it's double-jointed). Hmm.. can't think of muchelse.
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