Tuesday, December 12, 2006

So Mad Right Now! I MUST VENT!

Have you seen that episode of Everybody Loves Raymond that's all about PMS? I'm LIVING that episode right now! I'm just glad my husband doesn't have a tape recorder to record the things I'm saying!
OOOH! He just makes me SO mad sometimes! I just got back from taking Cam to therapy and doing some errands. I was telling him what was going on when he starts in lecturing me about things I'm going to HAVE to do next week. (Just so you know, I'm on jury duty next week, and I have to call into the office at least ONCE a week while I'm on....) So he's telling me all of this stuff that he says I HAVE to do...like calling in EVERY DAY, and I tell him, "No, I just have to follow their instructions." Now granted, when I said this to him, I didn't really SAY it to him...I pretty much growled and yelled at the same time. Then he goes into a whole lecture about how grouchy I am.
THIS IS NOT HELPING MY SITUATION! Telling me I'm grouchy when I'm grouchy is a one-way ticket to GROUCH-VILLE! UGH! Learn from past mistakes, dude!
Then when I sit down on the couch and I grab the remote and change the channel to something I'd rather watch. He then demands to know what I think I'm doing. I tell him I'm changing the channel. To which he again LECTURES me on how he was there first. Uh....How many times do you do this to me?? Try everyday! I say this to him...yes, I'm still pissed off, and he then mutters UNDER his breath, "PMS!"

With those three letters I'm off. I chuck the remote at the dork, and fume up the stairs to cool off. Is it working? Not quite!
On top of my "grouchiness" we've got a few other things going on. Steve's grandpa is in the hospital in Spokane, undergoing some pretty intense things. He's got some blood clots moving to his brain and they're attempting to destroy the clots with laser surgery. (Don't ask me all of the details, all I hear is what Steve's family tells HIM.) They're calling and texting everyone to let them know what's going on. I'm stressing about that, and getting PMS isn't really helping me cope! UGH!
My parents took in another exchange student last week with the idea that they'd be able to keep him for the rest of the school year, but due to some international rules, they can't. And I really bonded with this guy! I don't want to see him go, but he's going.
We have very little food in the house and I'm STARVING, but even if we DID have food, I couldn't eat much of it anyway because my jaw is KILLING me!
Then I'm STILL recovering from my teeth being pulled yesterday. It still hurts like it did before they were pulled, but now I have tender gums where they yanked the teeth out of my head. I had to wake up and take some pain killers early this morning, then try to sleep. Let me tell you, it was NOT a fun morning!
I'm so sorry for this post, but I had to get it all out of my system. I'm not really feeling up to doing the game today, so I'll do it another time. I just had to vent and try to get my feelings OFF my chest and see things in a different way.
The ONE ray of happiness in all of this crud going on is that my friend Carrie had her baby today. She called me and we talked for a while. I'm just glad she and her family are doing fine.


Kim said...

I'm sorry you are having such a nasty day! And you're right, Steve should know better by now about pushing your buttons. I hope tomorrow is better!

Anonymous said...

You have nothing to be sorry about... venting is good. It's good prevention for heads popping off (and other ones being pulled off).

I hope you feel better soon... that jaw stuff and teeth pulling sounds horrible. Get well!

Anonymous said...

You have nothing to be sorry about... venting is good. It's good prevention for heads popping off (and other ones being pulled off).

I hope you feel better soon... that jaw stuff and teeth pulling sounds horrible. Get well!

Anonymous said...

Hugs to you! I hope you feel better soon! And you have every right to be upset!

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, I hate PMS days. I am lucky to have a husband who is very good at not pushing my buttons, though.