I'm a thirty-something stay-at-home wife and mom who likes to wander through my very strange childhood memories.
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
SEE.....I have pics now too!
Don't hesitate to Comment
I love RAIN!
Monday, February 27, 2006
Funny story....
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Life really is good
Friday, February 24, 2006
Friends in space?
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Brownies that we HAD to eat
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Just Memory Laning
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Have you ever had the feeling you were being picked on?
Then last night I was IMing a friend and she started to pick on me. What she was doing wasn't any different from what she normally does, but I was a bit tired of the whole thing. (So if you're reading this, don't feel bad, I was just tired and had already had more than my fair share at my parents' house.) I guess it was just one of those days.
Things really are fine, I just wanted to write about that story. I love my brother and my friend. They both make me laugh pretty hard. And like I said yesterday in the forgiveness blog, I am happy and can't get rid of the grin on my face. Things are great!
Monday, February 20, 2006
Forgiveness is the mightiest sword
Friday, February 17, 2006
I need some advice....
When I was in school and dating my husband I had some very good friends who lived in the same dorms as me and we did everything together. (They were even there with me and Steve on our "first" date.) Anyway, one of my friends was a friend I had in high school. She was always bubbly and happy and I enjoyed being around her. Well, once I became serious with Steve I asked her if she would help me by doing my makeup and maybe massaging me before the wedding. She agreed. Here's where the problem lies....she took what I asked to mean, "will you be one of my brides' maids?" I took it to mean, "will you help me by being close to me on my special day?" So our versions of the story are very different. When it became official I invited her over to see what I had planned so far and I showed her the patterns for the bride's maids dresses and she told me that the sleeves were all wrong for her and wondered if I could change it. Needless to say there was a very awkward pause while I told her that I hadn't planned on her being one of my bride's maids. Since that day I haven't heard boo from her. I had heard from other friends that she was VERY upset with me, but that was it. I saw her once in the 6 and a half years since that day, but she completely ignored me. I thought it was over and decided to move on with my life, hoping that if I ever heard from her again that I could find a way to apologize to her and beg her forgiveness. I realize now that what I asked was not what she'd expected, and I have felt horrible about it.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
What a Valentines' Day...so far....
Sunday, February 12, 2006
What a weekend!!
Thursday, February 09, 2006
I'm an IM-aholic....
As I write in here I'm IMing at the same time. I think I have a problem. I like to put myself through torture with my fellow rubbaundiesluva, Carrie. Who, by the way, remembers every embarrassing moment in my life!
Right now we're reminiscing about when my husband first fell in love with me. We met while doing a church musical...we were a part of the heavenly choir. After the musical ended we had a "party." The guys were asked to bring drinks and they ALL brought root beer. One of my good friends saw it and said that she wanted to have a burping contest....so I agreed. (Not knowing at the time that my future hubby was watching me.) There were 3 of us involved in the contest and we were downing the root beer as fast as we could. I drank 10 little Dixie cups in 2 or 3 minutes. He heard me belch and fell for me. He told me later it was because he'd never heard a girl burp like that before. So I won his heart. I lived up the hill from the building and after drinking so fast I was waddling pretty bad. Steve took me and walked with me up the hill. He's such a good guy!
It's nice to have my son in bed so early at night. Then I can chat and not be bothered by him begging to play games on the computer. He gets to play on the computer at school and thinks that all computers have the same games on them. I really should get him some more appropriate games.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Welcome to the life of a RubbaUndiesLuva
If you are reading this and want to know exactly what a RubbaUndiesLuva is...you're in for some fun. Let me start with a quick introduction. I'm a stay-at-home mom with one little boy. For most of the time I'm a fairly normal lady, but when I talk to a certain friend of mine....I switch from normal to crazy. When we were younger we loved to pretend. We'd pretend we had families and mansions, cars, animals, and our favorite thing to pretend was that we were wearing GIANT invisible Rubber underwear. |