Thursday, November 08, 2007

My Chopped Off Hair

Just realize, that today I was having FUN with it's poofy and CRAZY! (But I absolutely LOVE it!)


Melzie said...

I love short hair, always have, always will. :D Love it!!!

Mine is growing... can't grow one thing... can grow another. ;)

I'm trying to be positive, I promise.

Dawnyel said...

Hey, Glad to see you!! (Even icognito! ;) )

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see it in person on Sunday. Looks good.

One Scrappy Gal said...

I want to cut my hair into a bob... I just don't know if it would look good!! :)

What did your hair look like before the cut?

Dawnyel said...

Man, I need to find a pre-cut pic....hang on, and I will post it JUST for you!! ;)

Anne/kq said...

My hair is so tangled right now, I can't deal with it. (It gets worse with pregnancy, and it's bad to begin with.) I know I want it shoulder length or so, but last night I was trying to detangle it and seriously considered SHAVING IT ALL OFF. :o I was like, "I could get a wig. I could wear wigs!" My husband looked at me like I was crazy. He does NOT KNOW how much my hair is bothering me!!!

Gina said...

You look great! I think you could do anything with your hair and you'd still look awesome!