Saturday, September 23, 2006


We went to preview our fancy, dancy photos taken last weekend and had a list of pictures that we needed replacements for. I thought, "Since this is a professional photographer, the pictures are going to be MORE expensive than I'm used to with my Walmart photo shoots. Hopefully it won't be more than $150 or $200."
We drove on the highway during a bad rainstorm/hailstorm/thunderstorm. There was only ONE accident, but my husband handled the car and my nervousness VERY well.
When we got to the studio there was an inch of hail on the ground, and Cam asked if we could play in the "snow." We hurried the boy inside...trying our best to distract him from the fun that he was missing out on. The lady who was going to show us our pictures told us that she had a few more minutes that she needed for downloading, and we could go see the pictures soon. We sat in the waiting room and looked through the many photo albums available to us, while Cam was stuffing his face with cookies. Soon enough the gal showed us into a room that had the feeling of a private movie room that you would see inside a celebrity's house.
They had a movie screen where we previewed our pictures. THEY were SO cute! I was hoping that the photographer had taken tons of pictures of Cameron by himself, but he didn't get very many. We watched the whole thing as a slideshow, then worked on whittling the list down to our top picks.
As we were shrinking down our list, we asked about prices. The smiling helper pulled out the price list and told us that we could choose from any of those packages. Steve looked at the first package available...the biggest one they offer, and immediately saw spots. The price was over $2000!! GULP! He hurried and handed the paper to me...the lady suggested that we look at the smaller packages. I looked at the cheapest one, and it was WELL over my mental $200 limit. We told her we knew what pictures we wanted, and asked to pick out the pictures individually and make our own package. We slowly went through our list and braced ourselves for the final verdict.
We did have a few things in our favor...we spent enough to get a "free" portfolio (normally $139) and we had already paid $75, and our gift certificate granted us ONE free 8x10...but our final price...UGH! $675!! Can you BELIEVE that?? GOSH! Well, there goes our Christmas budget for the year...I hope everyone doesn't mind getting pictures of us...cuz that's ALL we can afford. Poor Cam is only going to be getting small things for Christmas. We feel that getting these pictures will be worth the money we'll be spending. I just hope that we won't over extend ourselves even more!
That was only the FIRST of my ouchies for the past few days.
Yesterday when I was babysitting L and E I noticed that they were both wearing the SAME clothes they had been wearing on Wednesday! Three days in the same clothes makes for stinky, gross kids. Not only was poor L wearing the same onsie, but her hair was in the same hair-do that I had fixed for her on Wednesday! And when I had fixed her hair on THAT day she had food in her hair, making combing a crying experience for the girl. In my mind I realized that they hadn't been bathed since Tuesday at the earliest! How gross is that?! So after dropping Cam off at school, I gave both kids the bath that they deserved! Instantly L was happier, and full of energy. And baby E was happier as well!
My problem? How can I mention to the parents that I find this kind of thing disgusting? I can see not giving your child a bath EVERY DAY, but at least every other day! COME ON!
A few years ago I babysat my cousin's daughter, and he had the same disgusting habit with her...and I got fed up with being the primary care-giver for her, and not getting the results I had wanted! So finally I just told him that it wasn't working out for me, and I completely stopped babysitting any children for nearly 2 years.
I worried that if this was going to become a habit with this couple, I'd have to do the SAME thing...stop watching their kids. So when my friend came to get her kids, she noticed her daughter was in a different outfit, and asked if she had wet through her pants...I casually mentioned to her that I noticed that they were dirty and I had bathed them. She seemed VERY embarrassed! She told me that she had hoped that her husband had taken care of that, but it seemed that he hadn't.
Did I do the right thing? I feel bad about it, but I don't feel bad about how I made the little kids feel. I could tell that ALL they wanted was to be clean...
How would you have handled that situation? Did I go too far? What else could I have done? HELP!


Mall Worker said...

Okay, couple of things! I'm sure that the picture package was worth the insaneo price! I had a mild stroke when I saw how much you paid!

Next, I'm glad that you gave those poor kids a bath. I don't think you did anything wrong by saying something. Its not your job to make sure they are clean, and don't let them make it a habbit. I would have said something too, and if it were me, if they keep it up I'd be telling them to find someone else!

Amanda said...

Holy freaking cow! That is crazy the kind of money they wanted for your pictures. I am sure they were totally cute though.

I agree with nikkie about the babysitting thing. Poor kids. I'm sure the lady felt embarassed, embarassed that you were doing HER job.

CareBearMommy said...

I just about died the other night when you told me the price you guys are paying for those pictures. So, are they going to let you pick up the pictures and make payments, or do you have to have it all paid for before you get your goods? Whatever the case may be, I WANT SOME!

I remember you going through that "not bathing" crap with your cousin's daughter. I sure hope this situation ends up better than THAT one did. (You'd think that L and E's mom would be able to realize, without asking her hubby, that her kids were dirty and in the same outfits for three days!! Hmm... makes ya wonder...)

Melzie said...

I think you handled it correctly. It seems, form what I can read- that the couple have some issues they seriously need to work on regarding their children. You can't go through life with a "I thought he/she would do that"-- shame on them!

the pictures. Wow. wow. wow. When we meet up, I will take pictures for you. Promise. I will. I always carry my camera- and I'll be sure to put the adapter in the car when we hit IF.