It's been raining on and off all morning here and I LOVE it! This winter was strange for our area. Christmas was clear and not cold at all, but the last two months have been bitterly cold and snowy. I'm just glad that it's raining now. For some reason I've just always felt peace during rainstorms. I think the sound is one of the best things to hear when I'm frustrated or stressed out and the smell......oh, I just love rain!
I think the rain today should help me out. I've been stressing over babysitting again. I say again because I tried to be a permanent babysitter a few years ago for my cousin, but their schedule was so much different from the one I wanted for Cameron that I just couldn't handle it and I quit. Now I'm feeling that stress again, and it's not because the two families schedules are that different, I think it has to do with me not feeling completely in control of my son. I had a rough day yesterday with Cameron and the little girl we've been watching. Their behavior was awful! I had to go and visit someone and while we were at their house Cam tried to run up and down their stairs, pulled the little girl over and attacked some other kids. I was mortified. Anytime I told him to stop what he was doing he'd laugh at me and continue on. When we got home I was so mad at the boy that I immediately put him into time out, which didn't work like it was supposed to because the little girl I watch was upset he was not playing with her. I was at my wits end...I tried time outs, I tried talking to him, I tried ignoring it, but it only got worse and worse until I finally broke down in tears. I love my son, and I love this little girl, but I don't know how much more I can handle if my son continues to be so blatantly disobedient. I want to teach him how to be a nice boy, how to share, and those kind of things, but I don't know if he'll ever get it. I know I'm not alone in this fear either...I was talking to someone whom I look up to on the way she handles her kids and she's also commented on how her boys don't listen to her either. Is this just a boy thing, or a kid thing? What can I do? I hope that this day off from babysitting will help me mellow out and maybe calm down over the situation. I don't want to have to stop watching this little girl just because I feel crazy. Oh, I just need my vacation!
I have grown to really love the rain since moving here to Oregon. And I completely understand what you said about the smell. Since we live right by a forest, that green smell is just EVERYWHERE when it rains. I love love love it.
Good luck with babysitting. I hope that it starts going better for you. Watching someone else's kids is so much different (and more difficult) than watching your own. After all, they have different rules and routines, etc. My hat is off to you for doing what you're doing. If you decide you can't continue babysitting, it doesn't make you any less of a person, especially if it's interrupting your ability to parent your own child. You are awesome.
When I lived in Moscow we had Oregon stylr rain storms all of the time! Just going out in it for a second it was as if you had jumped into a pool! I also LOVELOVELOVE the rain! Some people hate it...But not me...Moisture in any form is wonderful to me!
I too am sorry about your troubles...I do think that it is partly a boy thing...and it is especially hard when you are at someone elses house and your child disobeys!
Just keep the faith...keep trying...and keep loving!
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