Friday, March 07, 2008

Updates AND Friday Fun

Some people know this about me, others don't. But I have been diagnosed with insulin resistance. A symptom of my insulin resistance is PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome) which caused me to have a hard time getting pregnant. Because of my history with this "fun" disease, I've had to see not only my OB, but I've been seeing my usual, pre-pregnancy doctor. At my last visit (last month) he wanted me to start testing my blood sugars twice a day. Once when I first wake up (calling it my "fasting" blood sugar) then again 2 hours after a meal. He told me that my fasting sugars should be below 90, and my post meal sugars should be below 140. Well, after a month of poking myself, my numbers were NOT what he wanted, and at my OB appointment this week, I was given the drink for the glucose tolerance test. After I got it, and was psyching myself up for this "fun FUN" test, my doctor came in and commented on it.
I'd then told her that my other doctor had asked me to check my blood sugars, and she asked about my numbers. When I told her the numbers her face dropped from her happy smile, to a disappointed frown. She took the little glucose drink and said, "Well, good news is you won't have to take this test....because I'm failing you right now." She told me that I needed to get in to see my other doctor to get treated for gestational diabetes immediately.
On top of this new turn of events, I was also given a new prescription for iron pills. I've had low iron for a while, and we're finally treating it. (Steve asked me if I'd rattle if he shook me, I told him it depended on what time of day it was!)
This week has been filled with appointments trying to get all of this figured out.
Long story short, I now have to check my blood sugars before and after EVERY meal (so 8 pokes a day) and I have to give myself insulin shots once a day.
Thankfully, the doctor thinks we have caught this early enough to help baby boy out. I just hope all of this will be beneficial to me and the baby. (So far today, after having 2 doses of insulin, my sugars are COMPLETELY behaving themselves!! So I'm SURE things are going to be fine!)
I've also been a BIT preoccupied with helping take care of my mom. She had surgery yesterday on her deviated septum, and had her tonsils taken out. She seemed to be doing okay when I was at her house yesterday, but I'm determined to be helping her out as MUCH as I possibly can!! I just love her and want her to feel better!
And as always, it's FRIDAY!! Guess what THAT means!? :D
If you want to ask me a question -- and anything goes -- here's your chance. You can ask about whatever you wish, no holds barred. I'll either answer honestly, or I'll tell you that I won't answer.


Mattsmom said...

I can never seem to think of a fun question for FFA Friday. I am so glad that you have caught the gestational diabetes so quickly. Hopefully the little one will thrive even if you are a pin cushion for awhile.


What are your families Easter traditions?

Do you celebrate St. Patrick's Day at all?

How about that Easter candy...tis the most wonderful time of the year! In moderation of course!

Elena said...

Oh that's the pits. I also get gestational diabetes, but I have never had to do the shots, just strict diet control was enough for me. I can't imagine the shots, you poor thing!! So here's the Friday question: Do the shots hurt and do you ever get numb to so many pricks?

Jewelle said...

I have been visiting your site for awhile and finally decided to add a comment. (Oh by the way, I am in your ward. We used to do play group together. Remember?!) Anyway, I just wanted to let you know how sorry I am to hear about the g.d. I got it somewhat with Lily, but didn't have to do all that junk. However, I feel for you about the finger pricking. My mom is diabetic and has to do that. Her fingers have finally calloused after many years of this but she says it still hurts sometimes. Maybe you will be lucky and this will all go away when the little one comes. Good luck!

Anne/kq said...

I'm glad that the shots are working for you! Some people are able to take a pill instead that helps control their blood sugar. Is that an option for you?

Kim said...

Bummer about the insulin shots, I was wondering how your body would react to being preggo and having PCOS/IR at the same time. What are the risks to the baby? Tell your mom I hope she heals very quickly, Kimby misses her! If you could take Cam anywhere for Spring Break, where would it be? Where would you have liked to go during Spring Break during high school? (Unlimited supply of whatever you would need for this trip!)

Deanna said...

(I totally messed up and thought I was on your comment page, but I was on Jewelle's! So sorry!)

I am SO glad that you didn't return my phone call to sub for me in have a LOT on your plate!!! Is there anything I can do to help? I will keep you in my prayers, and hope that the insulin thing ( i don't really know a lot about it) gets better!